Just in case you wonder what would drive parents to host a lizard birthday party with a dozen 4-year olds, the answer is temporary insanity.  The party actually only had a few moments when the boys were out of control and jumping on the couch.  The girls, of course, were little angels and paying attention.  It was a bit stressful to have such a large group of kidlets with endless energy to be in our house.  They were hard to keep track of at all times, since only about half of the parents stayed.

Our little girl was hilarious.  She was telling them the what for…

Settle down guys!

You are not listening!  Settle down.

I can’t remember all that she was saying, but if you imagine a school marm castigating a group of rowdy children, you would get close to how it was listening to her.  It was too funny!

Kailan was interested in the lizards, but not as much as some of the other children.  He sat on the couch a safe distance away.  Then him and some of his comrades decided it was far more fun to have a smack down on the couch than listening to the lady’s presentation on each lizard, snake and alligator.  I was trying to take pictures while trying to get them to pay attention…at least I had help from Anya in getting them to toe the line!

The boa constrictor


The alligator (the only really smelly one!)


Kai and the bearded dragon


Kai and a snake (forgot the variety)


I love Kai’s expression in this one.  Of course, Anya’s expression is totally, “Dude, you are insane!  Those things are nasty, man.”  Need I say she didn’t touch any of them?  The lizard lady let the kids touch the boa constrictor, the alligator, the snake above, the bearded dragon and I think a turtle.  There were a good dozen reptiles that she brought.

Overall it seemed to have gone well.  It was a different party that the norm and it was pretty fun for the kids.  It was just a bit stressful trying to get everything in and the kids halfway controlled.  It was only a few hours, too, so thankfully it went fast.  After everyone left, daddy and I both cracked open a beer.  Believe me, we needed it!