A few weeks ago the kids started back to school.  It was a much warmer day than the first day of school last year, when the wind was threatening to carry them away.  It was a beautiful day, in the upper 70’s.  She chose to wear the fleece outfit I made her.  I was glad she wanted to a wear it, but a fleece shirt was a bit much.

At least her class picture for the first day of 1st grade is in snakeskin pants.  Rock on, girlRock on.

The first week went pretty well for both kids.  At the end of the week, Anya’s teacher sent home a note on how it went and she got smiley faces for all but listening to the teacher.

Instead it said, “She was very chatty“.

Anya said, “But I had lots of questions,” as an explanation.  We can understand that, but we told her to wait for the teacher to be done talking first.  As least we know she is no different at home than at school.  😉

The kids both got assigned some very good teachers, and we are looking forward to a good year of LEARNIN’!