
After putting together one of Kailan’s birthday presents, the Toss Across, we proceeded to attempt to play this highly skilled game.  After several failed attempts on my part, our little blue-eyed fairy looked at me and said ,

“Ur not very good at ‘dis”, in a very solemn and serious tone.

Oh, yeah! I’d show her.  On my next attempt I hit the triangle and flipped it about.  Score!

“You did it!!”, she said enthusiastically with her little eyes lighting up in excitement.  I almost thought she was going to break out in a full cheer mode with pom poms, she was so proud of me.

Yes, momma’s got some serious tossin’ skillz. 😉

tossin skillz 

Although the toddler years are very trying, and frustrating, and consternating, it is so fun to watch their personalities develop and see how they express themselves.  Anya definitely has a personality…she continually makes us laugh with the things she says…

The prior weekend when we were up watching our niece’s play, we came back to Brian’s sister’s house around 10pm.  We came in the door and she was holding Kailan, who apparently just had a meltdown since it was past time for bed.

Anya:  You need to paddle Kailan’s butt.  He’s awake!

Daddy:  Maybe I need to paddle yours, too, since you are still awake!

Anya looked at her daddy all affronted and aghast.  Her??  She was just informing him how Kailan had been BAD, and she was acting the perfect angel.  No paddling required for HER.

Kids are fun. 😀