Reasons to eat dinner (by mommy)
1. You need to grow big and strong, so you can eventually drive Daddy’s car like you said you wanted to. (Note – Daddy was actually hoping to have a newer, different car in 12 years when you can actually drive, but OH WELL.)
2. When you bring us a fruit snacks to open at 5am since you are hungry, we don’t look kindly on that. Actually, anytime you come and wake us up at 5am, we growl.
3. Mommy slaved over that stove for countless hours minutes to bring you a semi-healthy meal that she was hoping you would actually sample before throwing your nose in the air and declaring, “I don’t like that!”. That’s another thing that makes mommy growl.
4. Cookies, candy, suckers and chips do not count as dinner. Peanut butter is borderline.
5. Filling up on juice and/or chocolate milk, thereby declaring your belly’s full, makes mommy growl.
6. For the love of God, eat! Or at the very least tell me how you manage to not want to eat so I can lose these extra 10 lbs that are making my clothes too tight. I need some of that willpower and/or dislike of food. How do you do that??
Her favorite food is chocolate cream 🙂
#6…if she tells you please let me in on the secret!
Ditto !! I need to secret too !
Ha! If they full you in on the secret, let me know!
My youngest is very picky at dinnertime and then she wants something to eat 10 minutes before bedtime. We don’t give it to her, but she continues to try this almost every night!
What is it with them? Zoe will insist she’s hungry… then we sit down to dinner, she takes one bite and declares “I’m done!” and refuses to take another bite. grrrrr
Oh my. I JUST did the food “fight” at lunch not even 30 minutes ago. It is so exhausting. I dread any sort of “eating” time.
I could use the secret, too!
Firstly that is a wild (and slightly weird) photo! Her tongue looks as if it has a life of its own!! Second, the BA had 5 meals that she ate and I rotated around them until I was so bored I thought I would lose the will to live. Oh and no-one elses’ versions were acceptable, only Mummy’s. Keeping drinks to a minimum at meal times is a REALLY good tip….finding things they like and keep servin’ em up…even if you have a different meal is my other tip. (hard work but saves the grief) also…no snacks between meals. (obvious)I just didn’t have too much snack stuff in the house when she was pre school age. If we had treats it was when we went out…then there was no temptation.
Good luck, I feeeeeeel your pain. We are now going through the same thing with Small Boy.
LOL Ahh yes, the trials of toddler eating! Nadia’s thing is that she wants to snack all day, but doesn’t have much interest in meals. She’ll eat healthy snacks, but still – I want her to eat when I eat, and give me a few moments peace!
I too am waiting for an answer on #6!
Love that shot!