Well, it has been about two weeks since Kailan’s RAD Zoo lizard party, and I think we are finally recovered.

We had 16 kids total (4 girls and 12 boys).

Several lizards.

And Sugar.

Parents dropping off their kids were saying how brave we were to have so many kids in the house.  Brave, or slightly insane??


We honestly thought they would be better behaved.  Of course, last time about half of the kids parents’ stayed for it.  This time only one stayed.  This time there were a few kids (one in particular) that decided they wanted to be the center of attention and were instigators of the whole not paying attention, running around and yelling while the presentation was being held.  This one kid was talking about killing the animals. 😯

Had I known what they would act like, we would have had a few kids struck off the invite list.  That is surely the last time they are coming into our house for anything.

Our voices may have been raised…just a few times…to get the collective attention.  Then raised again.

Of course the four girls (and one little younger brother) were sitting like angels in the front paying attention and asking questions.

I also had a craft for them to do, which were little wooden lizards, snakes and other animals to paint.  That went into the goodie bags.  There was no way they were going to paint in our house with how out of control most were acting by that time.

At least the kids had a great time.  They didn’t really notice that our stress levels were going through the roof.

Kailan had fun, and that is what is important.  He also got lots of Lego sets and had most of them together by the end of the night.

Meanwhile, we went to a bar that night with some of our grownup friends and decompressed and vented about Other People’s Children.