I am having lots of fun sewing these past few weeks.  The ideas are just flowing and even though some items won’t be worn until it gets much warmer, I feel a bit ahead of the game.  Last week I made Anya 3 dresses, a swing top that will match capris I made her last summer (that should still fit), and one of my PIF items.   Having to post something on Tuesday’s definitely gives me incentive to get something done so I can share it.  Thanks for starting Crafty Tuesday, Carrie. 🙂

I love using my new serger.  It makes all those fun ruffles so much easier to create.  I also love how it finishes my seams so professionally.  I still do a lot of top-stitching, though.  I find I use both my machines an equal amount of time.  I like the seams to lay flat, so the garments are more comfortable to wear.  They just look better, too.  That is one of the reasons why I like to make these clothes.  I can can make them better than ready to wear.  Some of the seams are stitched 3 times…again just so they look better and are more sturdy.

I like adding little extras to my outfits, too – an applique or a vintage button that has no purpose other than looking pretty.  A little bit of satin ribbon or a satin rose can add an extra level of beauty to a dress.  When I go to the fabric store, I look at the ribbons and laces and will buy a few yards of the pretty bits with no project in mind.  I know eventually they will work with something I create.

Here is another dress I made for Anya.  I made most of it last Tuesday night, and it took about 3 hours that night (remember…I don’t sleep much).  Sometimes when I start a project in which I don’t have a pattern, it ends up looking different than what I originally had intended.  This one is no different.  I just started cutting fabric and figured out what I wanted at each stage of construction.  It usually turns out cute, although it may have a few errors in judgement. 😉 

She loved it and wanted to wear it right away.  Look how stylin’ the little princess is with her summer dress over sweatpants.

Piggy dress

Now, here are the details.  For the halter strap I braided ribbon and heat sealed the ends together so they won’t fray.  I learned from experience that it is best to heat seal the ends.  I also have a picture of the inside of her dress, and this is where you can see quality construction for home sewers.  The top is lined and the seams are all enclosed and top-stitched so it is comfy for the princess to wear it.  No seams to chafe her skin when she is running around and twirling.

piggy dress details

What do you think of the fabric?  Why piggies?  Because she loves them!  She has no idea how smelly and dirty they can be, but she knows one thing…they are pink. 🙂  I must tell you, though, baby pigs are truly some of the cutest little things and so very playful and social.  We raised pigs for a time when I was growing up, so I got to play with lots of baby pigs.  Her love for them is not misplaced.

Although I made a few other things this past week, I’ll just share this for today.  There’s always next week!  I also made a stop at the fabric store (bad, bad Stacy), because it had been a whole 2 months since I had been there.  I was starting to get the shakes and developed an eye twitch.  Withdrawal is not a pretty thing. 😉