I will wait until next week to post the PIF items I finally completed (Hear that girls??  They are actually done!).  Hopefully I will get them in the mail at some point this week, and I really liked how they both turned out.  As for my other PIF gift…look how cute Baby Beebo is in her PIF dress.  🙂

Here are a few items I completed in the last few weeks.  You will recognize this dress from yesterday and the basic style as I’ve made this before.  I bought the little satin roses at Michael’s and sewed them on really well. 

portrait dress 

 A swing top.  It is a similar style, only this is made in a bigger size and meant to be a top.  I want it to match these capris that I made last spring that will still fit her this year.

lilac swing top 

Then I made this dress out of this pattern.  I just added the band at the waist and at the hem, and that is the only modifications I made to it.  I love toile and this is so cute…if only I hadn’t made that mistake.

toile dress

toile dress details

  Can you see my mistake?