Grateful for those rather interesting moments of childhood.  The kids were packing food for the Horn of Africa this week at their school and each were given their own hair net (the kids all packed 55,000+ meals!).  Anya thought this was quite special, and took hers home so she could play “lunch lady”.  This is her at the dinner table with her constant companion, Kitty.  Kitty likes to sit with Anya at the dinner table each night.  I mean, she just woke up from her daylong nap and her FAMILY is home and she NEEDS petting.  Anya is always ready for a petting and hugging opportunity, so she generally goes right for Anya. 🙂

As the kids were packing food this week, they also wanted to go to the local food packing place to volunteer (who, like all relief organizations, are in need of donations).  They are in great need of volunteers and funds due to the needs around the globe.

The kids enjoy doing the packing, though I don’t think they really understand the word “starvation” or “not having enough to eat”.  I wouldn’t expect them to understand, but we are just glad they want to help.  We spent two hours packing meals with a group of people, and all totalled we packed over 14,000 meals!  Anya said it was “yummy fun” afterwards, which…of course, is even better than just plain “fun”.

The pictures at FMSC were taken with my very old digital camera.  No purses were allowed in, so I brought the little digital.  I didn’t get any pictures of the food packing, as I was busy packing.  Oh, and making sure the kids were not spilling the food for the Manna Packs.  The time went very quickly.

I have been looking, and looking, and LOOKING for the charger base for at least 6 months.  I wanted to let the kids use it for taking digital pictures.  Previously, the camera had been lost.  Where was it?  In a drawer that I have looked in at least once a week in the last 6 months.  I have also cleaned the drawer in the last 6 months.  It’s amazing how you can see, but not SEE.  *sigh*

The fun part was downloading the old pictures on the camera.  I am grateful for memories…

Circa summer 2007…