Last week was a bit of a blur.  We had lots of stuff going on, and then we were gone for most of the weekend.

Our kids had a very hard time getting up on Monday morning.

I did get some pictures taken at Kai’s party for his class, but there are lots of other kids in it.  That will go in the photo book for 2012.  Their last day of school was on Thursday, so now we proceed into the summer camp.  Anya finds it to be quite boring despite the swimming multiple times a week and other field trips.  They are going to the zoo on Friday.  Just soooooo borrrring!

It was my 20th high school class reunion on Saturday.  I didn’t get any pictures there, because it was just a lot of talking to people and catching up.  I have a few good friends from high school and none of them were there.  Not sure if I will go to the 25th if they don’t show up.

Once we got home from there on Sunday afternoon, I had to make some food to take over to a friend’s house that evening.  Brian took Kai to his last swimming lesson of the summer and then we all got ready to go over for dinner.  We were “celebrating our friendship”, as one of the couples are moving to Australia.  We will miss them.  It was a wonderful evening, despite the fact that we all had to head to the basement to ride out a tornado warning.  Ah, this weather is driving me nuts!

So…since I didn’t get many people pictures, I have these to share.

Planes practicing for the airshow in a few weeks.  I took this from our backyard.  I am grateful that even if we can’t make it over to the airshow, at least we can watch some of the planes.

Butterfly friend.  I’m grateful that it stuck around for several minutes and was hardly bothered by all the pictures I took of it.

Pond Lily – I am grateful I got to see it open since they aren’t open all the long and are mostly closed by the time we get home from work.