I was tagged by Anna and Julie to do a meme on 8 crazy things about me.  It took awhile to come up with them, as I am such a boring person.

1. When I am at work I wear skirts just about every day.  I love skirts, which coming from a farm girl, may be a little odd.  In fact I have around 40 skirts in my closet.  Crazy!  Some I have made for myself since I think skirts are probably one of the easiest articles of clothing to make.

2.  I love shoes, too!  Shocking, I know!  I have bought most of them on sale, but a few I just had to have.  In the summer I wear sandals/heels all the time and in the winter I wear boots all the time (with long skirts, of course!).  I estimate that I have 49 pairs of sandals and heels, 14 pairs of boots and 3 pairs of tennis shoes.  Yes, it’s a sickness.  Let me tell ya, when I was pregnant and my feet grew a half-size, I was a bit worried that my shoe collection would become obsolete.  Whew….thank goodness it was just water weight!  My favorite brands are Franco Sarto, Nine West and Baci. Oooh, how I love the funkiness of Baci.

3. I organize my closet by color and by type of clothing article.  Yes, I am anal.

4.  Once when I was at a rodeo in Shawnee, OK, my sister, her friend and I had to find a ride back to our hotel in Oklahoma City late at night (as in…dawn-ish).  We ended up getting a ride back with some cowboys from Missouri who were headed home.  It was an interesting ride to say the least, especially when they showed us their six-shooter.  They were harmless boys, but that did get me a little bit jittery at the time…

5.  I was in Boston on business one time and had some free time after training.  I walked to an Irish bar called the Black Rose and hoisted a few pints.  A lady sat down next to me and proceeded to tell me her life story.  She was having a bad day and really needed to talk, so she talked my ear off for at least 4 hours.  At least I had some good beer and got to listen to a fun Irish band while listening to her woeful tale!  That’s what we call Midwestern Nice…politely listening to a lady from Amsterdam tell me about her IUD, getting arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking, and her bad relationship with her boyfriend.

6. I once crashed my husband’s 3 month old brand new car.  He loved that car.  We were on a road trip 20+ hours from home and I was busy looking for a highway sign and didn’t see the stop light in time.  I broad-sided a pick-up truck and crunched in the front end of his Acura CL.  We had to get towed 2 hours to the only Acura dealership in South Carolina and then got towed to a body shop they used.  I really didn’t mind that he started smoking again that night.  😉  They had the car for 2 months and we had to car pool, which was a little difficult but workable.  The body shop did a good job since there were never any problems in the 5 years he had the car, but it sure did take a long time!

7.  I met Brad Johnson once and didn’t know who he was.  Well, most women probably wouldn’t have known, actually.  He was a friendly guy and very tall.

8.  I love to dance and married a guy that doesn’t.  Of course there are only about a half dozen white guys that actually like to dance, so my chances of marrying one of them were extremely low anyways.

So, that’s my crazy eights!