Upon finally wearing this dress for more than just a few pictures for me, Anya decided she rather liked it.  It is a comfy twirly dress, with the added bonus of a big flower.

I rather like it, as well.  It isn’t too complicated to make and it mixes wovens and knits together for an interesting dress.  I did a tutorial here, if you would like to make one for your own little princess. 🙂

 I also made the little princes a comfy running around outfit for summer.  A tank top with a mermaid I drew, and a pair of capris.  I am sure you will eventually see pictures of her wearing them.

I’ll try to wait until next week to post more sewing! 🙂  I did make her 3 little simple tank style nightgowns.  I doubt you need to see them.  Not very exciting.  Oh, and she is wearing some white capris under that dress above.  Fantastic aren’t they?? 😉

Honestly, I am starting to get a little burned out.  As is my sewing machine.  It is going a bit slow, which is showing some ailment.  It did that before, and upon letting it rest for several weeks it went back to normal.  I doubt I can wait several weeks…maybe a few days?? 😉