I tend to strive for perfection.  I think it is one of my character traits.  It’s not in everything I do, but things I enjoy I try to do them really well.  However, even when I do things well I always know I could have done better.  This is especially true in photography.  When I take a good picture and process it well, I always know it could have been a little better, a little sharper, the depth of field not as deep or deeper.  I think it is important to continually strive to do better and not be complacent with “good enough”, but it can bring you down when all you see are your errors.  That is something I need to work on – not being too hard on myself.

At least when I take pictures of the little urchins, I never doubt how perfectly cute they are…and believe me they are CUTE!



Of course, they aren’t perfect, as they exhibit the attitudes of little beings striving to exert their independence and see just how little patience their mother has…and that ain’t much.  We’re hearing “NO!!” quite a lot from the little princess lately.  She knows just how to push your buttons.  Our little button pusher.  She will have a little smile curling at the corners of her lips as she steals a furtive glance at you, all the while saying, “NO!!” in the most annoying way possible.  She’s a pistol that one…I hope she gets over this stage really soon.  Her object of button pushing is usually her brother, but I guess it’s his turn.  He’s pushed our buttons quite a lot, since his terrible two’s started at about 1.5 and they might be close to being over soon. 

It’s the whining that gets hard to handle…oh, how I wish the whining would just STOP, for pete’s sake!

On a sweeter note…when I picked up the urchins from daycare on Monday, Kailan gave me some of his “art” and said that he drew one for me and one for daddy.  Anya was standing there and said, “Where’s mine”, with a sad little look.  Kailan told her he would draw her one next time.  When I picked them up from daycare on Wednesday, Kailan went to get his “art” and told Anya that he drew it for her this time.  She was very happy that her big brother remembered her this time, and she smiled as she went to get her picture.  Now that, is a perfect moment. 😀

What perfection do you have to share today?