I hope everyone is heading to a BBQ and to watch fireworks (at least those of you in the U.S.A.!).  My parents always have a big party and the neighbors buy big fireworks.  It’s a fun and long day.  This year they are roasting a pig purchased by one of the boys that is apprenticing to my dad in the taxidermy shop.  They won’t have the head on it at least, so we don’t have to go through the discussion of where bacon comes from.  Anya likes her piggies. 😉

Just an FYI for those that still see my blog through the old url.  I have been having it redirected to this one, so you may not really know the difference.  I will be shutting that one down soon, as the main website has a virus on it.  For some reason.  I don’t really understand why people do that…feel the need to attack other people for no good reason.  Some people have a bit too much time on their hands.  And need a good slap.  I’ll have to fix some old photo tips post as the pictures are linked over on that site, too.  I’ve been getting a lot of virus’ on my work computer, some from my domain, of course, but then I have others, too.  I’m not sure where they are coming from, so I will be limiting my time online during the day (like I should anyways, right??).

Anywhoo…have a happy day everyone!

One from the archives – July 4, 2004 – Who is that chubby little guy with the fuzzy hair??