I was really proud of Kai this year during soccer.  He seemed to try most of the time and really do his best.  He got some goals and was good at keeping to his positions.

The weather was fairly good, too.  Rainclouds have appeared to think our area unworthy of rain for the last few months, so we haven’t had to deal with the bit of fall weather.  Instead, we have had some windy days.  As the fields are in a windy area it can be a bit cold at the night games.


This night was a bit chilly.  Anya kept warm by doing her gymnastics, having ignored my plea for her to wear some warmer clothes.  Good thing I have plenty of blankets in the car!

There was a beautiful sunset this night.  By the end of the game it was pretty much “o’ dark thirty”.  They could see enough to play, but not for long.  Tomorrow is the last game of the season.  Just in time for the REALLY cold weather to move in!