This week for Project Run and Play we have Holiday Wear.  I kinda missed the fact that it was supposed to be FALL holiday wear, but she can wear this to Thanksgiving just fine.  I made the kids some Halloween outfits a few years back if you want to see some Fall holiday wear.  Oh, and I love this adorable fall dress I made back in 2008.

While this dress doesn’t have a “fall theme” to it, I am sure she will be wearing it for the holidays (both Thanksgiving AND Christmas).

Before knowing the “holiday clothes” theme, Anya wanted me to make her this dress upon reading the book:

 She may think she is an up and coming rock star, but she is still a princess at heart.

*sigh* 🙂

Okay, so this is a pretty simple bodice top, a bit of gathering there, and a full skirt.  The halter straps are a NO-NO as we are coming up on winter.  Holiday wear in the winter here should have sleeves.  It’s cold out!

I also can’t imagine beads being a comfy strap.  Long sleeves with a little bit of chiffon along the arms, and it should be good.

No problemo.

The fabrics I used are a nylon knit with silver sparkles I found in a one-off fabric bin, and blue blinged-up stretch chiffon from  It would be much, much easier using a woven instead of a knit, but I am using what I’ve got.

Working from the stash…gotta love that!

The bodice is lined on both the front and the back.  This is partly due to wanting a clean line along the neckline and partly for warmth.  To do the gathering, I sewed a piece of clear elastic into the center front seam.  Then I turned it right side out and pulled on the elastic as I sewed a line down for about three inches.  This sandwiched the elastic between the layers and created the little ruching there.  I cut off the excess elastic.

The skirts are circle skirts with a serged wooly nylon hem.

On the sleeves, I was trying to do a poofy sleeve, but didn’t cut it wide enough.  Anya was disappointed in the lack of poofiness.   I’ll have to make her something more “princess-like” at some point.

I also didn’t want to sew beads onto the dress, as the ones I purchased probably wouldn’t wash very well.  She had to have some bling, so I made her a necklace and a bracelet to go along with the dress.

Now she is all ready to be dressed fancy for the cold weather!

 Next week is “signature style”, and hopefully I can get some things done to participate.  I had a plan, but not sure I can make it happen.  We shall see!