Kai has always been in the upper percentiles for his height and weight.  You would think he would be intimidating.  Apparently he is just a bigger target.  The little carnivores have resurfaced these past few weeks and have been on a chewing spree.  These are the incident reports we have taken home this week:

“Another child bit Kailan on the left arm/elbow.  Comforted, tried to apply ice but he wanted to return to play.  Did not break skin or bleed.”

“Another child bit Kailan on the left arm/wrist.  Comforted him with hugs, washed wrist with soap and water and applied ice.  Kailan then returned to play.  No blood present.  Did not break skin.”

“Another child bit Kailan on the left arm.  Comforted with hugs and wash with soap and water before applying ice.  Kailan returned happy to play.”

…and if those weren’t enough:

“Another child tackled Kailan in the library causing Kailan to bump his right ear on a toy.  His ear was a little red.  Comforted him with hugs and applied ice to ear until he continued to play happy.”

That’s right, Kailan got bitten 3 TIMES this week.  Ugh!  I spoke to his teacher this morning and she said that they send the carnivores home after biting once.  I think before there was a certain number of times a day they could bite before being sent home if it didn’t break the skin.  They are cracking down on them now that they can understand, at least to a small degree, that what they are doing is BAD, BAD, BAD!!

I am so worried that Anya will start biting, since she does it to me.  Her teacher is watching her though, so I know that it will be nipped in the bud right quick if she starts that at school.  Sumita seems to be really good with discipline and catching them in the act.  Of course the room is small, so that may be a small part of it! 

Last night I was trying to read a book to Kailan and not paying attention to her and she bit me on the arm.  She looked right at me after biting my arm as if saying, “Well, now that I have your attention woman…”.  I get after her, but that hasn’t stopped her yet.  I haven’t started biting her back yet, but I have a feeling that is coming soon.

She looks like such an angel, you wouldn’t think she has such a vicious streak!