This day started out fairly early.  Brian got up around 12:30 am with some tingling down his arm and across his shoulders.  Due to his Dad dying from a heart attack age 62, as well as his grandpa dying early of one, he takes these symptoms pretty seriously.  Of course, at this point we had been up for fairly long time.  Brian woke up at around 2 or 2:30 the day before, since we took off at 4 am on Day 1.  A lot of caffeine and lack of sleep could have explained the symptoms.  He was nervous about it, though, so we packed up the kids and went to the ER.

Upon getting into the ER, they hooked him up for an EKG.  It was normal.

The doc came in and said to be safe, he wanted to do a two part blood test and perform a stress test.  Should be done by mid-morning.


Brian stayed the rest of the night, and I took the kids back to the room to get some sleep.  Brian sent me a text at about 9am that they had done the second blood test with no ETA on the stress test.  He said to do something with the kids if it looked like he wasn’t getting out anytime soon.  He updated me later that he wouldn’t get out until at least 1pm.  I took the kids to a mini-golf place, and then they went swimming.





More texts and more delays later…he expected to get results by 4pm at the latest.  We got back to the hospital at 2pm, and about 4pm they moved him into a regular hospital room.

Not good, but he was in a temporary room the way it was.  The hospital was pretty busy, and they needed that room.

His roommate was a stroke patient who proceeded to pee in his bed and on the floor twice in the time we were there, instead of calling for the nurses to help him.  He alternated with singing along with the TV concert he was watching, and snoring like a chainsaw.  At that point I decided if I had been Brian I would have checked out AMA, because the EKG was normal and the blood test was normal.  They were supposed to have the stress test results by 4pm at the latest.  Brian was about to go talk to the nurses at 6pm, and try to get out of there.  Finally, the doctor came in, and said his results were normal.  No issues.


Patiently waiting…they killed my Nook and both our phones with games.  Thank goodness we had them, though.  Kids aren’t great at waiting 4 hours in a small room.


Well, wasn’t that a waste of a day, but at least it put Brian’s mind to rest.

We got to leave the hospital around 6:30 pm.  We went back to the hotel, so Brian could shower and change.  Then, we went out to dinner where Kai proceeded to fall asleep at the table.

This didn’t bode well for the rest of the trip.