On Saturday one of our friend’s turned 29…again. 😉  I hadn’t made a necklace in a long time so I decided to pull out my beads and see what I had to work with.  The necklace and earrings I made are bronze beads with silver findings.  I  couldn’t just leave it at that, so I made a satin jewelry pouch lined with velvet to go with it.  A lady needs some prettiness! 

Sorry the picture didn’t turn out too clear.  I should have taken it on a solid surface, but I thought the stone had a lot of the same colors.  Unfortunately they all kind of blend together.

I am hoping to accomplish a few projects this week while I am on vacation.  I am going to try to paint part of the basement, though, so I may not get as much done as I want.  I got all the many, many spiders vacuumed up yesterday, so I’m off to good start, right??  Generally when I take a week off, I keep the kids in daycare so I can get things done like painting, sewing, etc.  I try to be productive and get caught up with life.  I hope I’m successful!