…and it keeps getting longer!  My to-do-right-now-and-then-I-will-be-able-to-rest list.  It continually gets added to and rarely gets smaller.  That is life, for so many of us, and as long as we are happy and healthy I know I shouldn’t sweat it.

Since Christmas Day and New Year’s Day are both on Thursdays, I am going to call for a hiatus on Theme Thursday until after the new year.  I think we all can agree that lessening the amount of “to-do’s” during the holiday craziness is a good thing.  My posting will be sporadic if at all for the next few weeks.  I want to just take a bit of a computer break and focus on getting as much off that to-do list as possible.  I’m hoping to get some blog posts written while I’m on vacation so I have fodder for January without having to actually do much…since work will be beating me up I’m sure.

My to-do list, which I’m hoping to get whittled down severely over the next two weeks:

  • Christmas gifts that need to be made by me with own two little hands and sweat, blood and tears.  Hopefully not too much blood. 😉  Also…pictures so I can post photos for Crafty Tuesday in January.
  • Take pictures of clothes I have made for Anya and myself for Crafty Tuesday, in addition, to some scrapbooking I have done, too.  (I’m trying to do NOTHING in January here, but still show my goodies)
  • Redo Anya’s room so she has space for the barrage of new toys that is certain to happen in the next week or so.  Also…take pictures of her newly arranged room for a blog post.  I’m hopeful that I can do some painting work on the wall that has an unpainted patch.
  • Go through all the kids’ toys and give away some to charity since they have so many stuffed animals they could have their own city, and may perhaps be currently plotting to take over the house.
  • Update my Ipod music…it’s been a year so I think it might be due. Brian has bought so many CD’s this year, that it is a shame I can’t listen to any of them on my 2G Ipod.  It’s tiny, but it will it do until the kids want one and then I’ll give them mine and buy myself one with a huge memory.  No, I’m not going to buy an iPhone anytime soon.  I’m a PC, and I’m totally cool with that. 
  • Figure out what new pictures I want to have in my office so I can stare at my little cuties whilst I’m working hard.  Plus, the spring and summer photos are downright depressing me right now.
  • Get back to planning my weekly recipes.  I want to update my binder for at least two months worth of dinners.  Healthy dinners, actually…so, not what I usually make.  It will make my life so much easier during my busy time.  (FYI – my online grocer is back in business and I think I may have done a backflip when I heard the news!)
  • Work on my sewing list – which is endless really.  There’s always somethin’ I want to make, or am asked to make.  If I can get a few things off the list, then I can breathe easier.
  • Work out. *sigh*  If I don’t start working out I am going to need a whole new wardrobe, and that is just not a good use of my time OR money.
  • Catch up on my sleep.  I really, really need to work on this one!
  • Get a few weeks worth of Theme Thursdays in the pipeline (suggestions welcomed and WANTED!)

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season filled with family, friends, good food, good wine 🙂 and love, peace, joy and no movement on the scale.  That’s not too much to ask for, right??? 😀


This past week also marked the end to their first swimming lesson class.  It can be remarked that you may need a modicum of body fat to actually float.  Kailan was having a slight problem in this area.  All in all it went very well, and I’m glad we have a break until after the new year.  They will start up with classes again, just not in the same class.  Their teacher suggested they go to different levels, so they will be swimming with each other no more.  🙁  At least they will be at the same time, so less running for us.  Yay!  😉