Anya currently has the smallest bedroom in the house, and was the nursery.  Still, it’s a bit bigger than my room growing up, so don’t feel to sorry for the little maiden.  😉  There was a very sturdy changing table in the wall where her bed was to go, so after taking off all the bits there was a nice unpainted patch.  Her bedframe also doesn’t fit in that nitch, as it’s a tad too wide.  Too bad, because it is very pretty cherry.  Eventually, she will be moved up to a bigger bedroom when we finish the basement and she will have all her pretty furniture.

Orginally, I was just going to paint a strip around the room, but I decided to do a faux headboard.  I taped off the bottom and sides and then used a pencil to draw a pattern on the wall.  It isn’t symmetrical on both sides, but I didn’t intend it to be.  I tried to get it close in similar design on each side.  I just took a few minutes to draw it up and then I started in on getting it painted on Christmas Eve morning. 

I filled the bottom part with a roller and then used a smaller precise brush for the swirls.  That took the most time, and it didn’t help that I two little urchins looking over my shoulder and trying to get into the paint and wanted to help and to roll and to use brushes.  Amazingly nothing landed on the carpet!  After the two or three coats of paint (beware of red if you don’t like painting!), I added some gold paint to do more detail swirliness.

It cost me exactly $0, since I already have a small paint store of half full cans in the basement.  Good thing we have a consistent color scheme in the house!

All complete

…and with her bed.

In order to make room for her new toys I took her chair out of her room and put it into ours.  The colors match pretty well, so that works.  We brought the bookcase up from the basement where we had it stored since there wasn’t enough room for it.  Now she has room for her books and more toys.