I knew it would happen.  Last night as I was picking out Kailan’s outfit for picture day today at daycare I was just wincing imagining what the morning would bring.

My worst fears came true.

He went to pick out his clothes right away this morning.  When daddy told him mommy had already picked out his clothes for the day, and he had to wear that outfit, all Hell broke lose.  We even told him he could pick out his underpants, but that was just NOT sufficient!  

Not only were they clothes HE did not pick, they had no animals or Elmos on them!  How could he possibly wear something without a creature!!   The idea of it, oh my, how could he wear such an atrocity??

So, he didn’t want to go potty.  Time out.  He didn’t want to put on the shirt, sweater vest, pants, socks and shoes.  NONE were to his liking.  We finally got the little nudist to go potty and put on his some clothes.  I even bribed him by letting him wear his cowboy boots to daycare.  I warned him that he had to go on the potty all day because he wouldn’t want his cowboy boots to get icky.  We’ll see how that works.

I am imagining that when I go to pick him up tonight from daycare, I will find out that he peed in his pants before the pictures were taken.  So he will be mismatched.  He would do that.  Just to aggravate me, because he was not allowed to choose mismatching clothes. That is his job…aggravating his parents.  That is what he does, and he does it WELL.