For Crafty Tuesday, I only have one thing to share this week.  I didn’t actually sew this past weekend, though.  I was busy dreaming away on what I need to do for the kitchen.  Anya and I took a walk around Home Depot and she proclaimed it was her “Favorite Store!” since she got some popcorn from a nice Home Depot lady.  They were promoting some grill or some such…I didn’t look at it…we just took the popcorn and ran! 😉


Thanks for all the nice comments and suggestions on the redo…they are so helpful. 🙂


Here is my share for today.  This is another skort set for “summer”.  She wears it whenever it’s clean, thus the turtleneck underneath.

This design is on the shirt:

Not the best shot of her wearing it, but she wasn’t exactly cooperating.  Sometimes you just take what you can get!  I processed this shot a bit too bright, too, but hopefully you get the idea. 🙂