At 20 months now, baby girl has definitely catapulted just in the past month with how many words she says. Here is a sampling:
Mama, hold you (We are working on her saying “me” instead of “you” since she’s a bit too small to be holding us…she might break.)
No nap (She says this everytime we go into her room, I swear)
My poopy (Anytime her diaper is wet…or not…she says this. She must like getting her diaper changed??)
Want some (Usually when we are eating ice cream…which is way too often.)
I don know (This is her new favorite thing to say anytime you ask her something…even if she knows the answer…which she will usually say right after she says “Idunno”.)
Fruit snack (She loves these…they are like baby cocaine…they get addicted and just want more, More, MORE!)
Pway on climber (There is this foam climber thing at daycare that Anya loves! She’s irritated at me when I come to pick her up and she runs away so she can “pway” some more. It actually makes me feel like not such a bad parent when they are at daycare late. Anya doesn’t get to go to the climber area until most of the kids are gone so they have a controllable level of kids. Kai also gets to go to 4’s or the Kindergarten room later and he loves that, too. You see it is much funner at daycare than at home with mommy since she is just making dinner and that is much less exciting.)
And then there are the one word sentences….
Dinner! Juice! Milk! Cheese! Yogurt! Nutbutter (peanut butter)! Wannafruitsnack! Notice a trend? 😉
She’s got a pretty prolific vocabulary: baby, Kai, pway (play), car, shoes, change, baa baa, sheep, cow, horse, dog, puppy, kitty, mouse, raffe (giraffe), roo (kangaroo), monkey, gator (alligator), bear (she knows lots of animals)…etc, etc.
Recently we have noticed that she is counting. We think she knows how to count to ten. Yesterday I was prompting her and she would do ever other number up to 10, so she is pretty close on that. She knows the beginning of the ABC song, so she knows the beginning part of the alphabet.
Yep, she’s a smart one…and just so cute, to boot! 😀
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