UPDATE:  Thanks everyone for their kind comments, prayers and positive thoughts. 🙂  I got the ALL CLEAR, so YAY!!!  I do have cysts on both sides, but they are not solid and are fluid.  I just have to watch to make sure they don’t change (easier said than done, I fear). 

I do so appreciate all the wonderful comments from my friends. 🙂


PA:  “Hmmm…well it seems like there may be something here.  We will need to schedule you for a mamogram and ultrasound.  It does feel like it may be a cyst.  If it is cancer don’t worry about getting in right away, since it only grows every hundred days or so…..”

Potentially may have cancer.  Well, that is not good.  All this week I have been trying to get my head around that possibility.  A week is a long time to wait to find out.  I’m not so happy that they couldn’t get me in for a whole week.  I’ve had a knot in my stomach all week and have been very worried, on top of still being sick after about 3 weeks.  It’s been lovely.

I have an appointment this morning to get this worrisome bump checked out.  They said they should have the results before I leave.  I took the day off of work, just in case the news is bad.  I certainly won’t be able to concentrate if that is the case. 

I’m hoping it is nothing more than a benign cyst.  If not, then it will just be something I will just have to deal with.  I’m one of the lucky ones where I have good health insurance and an understanding job.  One of my coworkers and friend went through breast cancer two summers ago.  She hardly had to pay anything out of pocket, they let her take off whenever she needed without losing her vacation and even bought her a wig of real hair (they cost several thousands for the good ones).  Nowadays you hear more that women survive it than don’t.  I have a wonderful MIL as proof of that. 🙂

Positive thinking, right??  I’ve been less than positive in the last day or so.  After it was pointed out to me where it was, now I can feel it and wonder how long its been there. 

Ladies, don’t forget to feel your boobies and go for your exams.  Something I was a bit lax on, since Anya was under a year the last time I went.  Oh hindsight, why do you hate me so??

this picture reflects a bit of how I’ve felt this week