I’m hoping that after this weekend life will be improving. 

On Wednesday night I looked over at The Princess and noticed that one of her front teeth was grayed.  Yes, people, she also has a tooth issue.  Then I looked across the table at The Prince and his face had a rash on it.  Then I felt like crying.  I definitely teared up a bit.

A few weeks ago Anya got a note home that she and another child had crashed together at daycare.  She said her teeth hurt from the incident, so we just decided to monitor it and not bring her in.  She seemed fine and only said they hurt maybe one other time.  Well, in talking to her about it on Wednesday night she said they only hurt when she SUCKED HER THUMB.  Well, she is a master thumb-sucker and knows we want her to kick the habit so she didn’t say anything.  I’m afraid her thumb sucking may have made her tooth worse after the initial collision. 

We are working with her to try to stop the sucking.  At night she says, “her body wants her to suck her thumb.”  I may attempt to start taping socks to her hands.

The dentist said she likely broke the blood vessels in the tooth.  This allowed blood to pool in it, which turns the tooth gray from the iron.  They can’t do anything about it so she will just have a gray tooth until it falls out.  Great.  At least I have Photoshop to make it white again!  Of course, today one of her friends ran into her. 🙁

Then, in the further saga of Kailan he ran into another child on Thursday at daycare.  There was blood in one of his lose side teeth, so I’m just waiting for that to fall out now.  Three missing teeth is just lovely, isn’t it?  The rash has thankfully gone away.  He’s got a couple of insect (probably spider) bites on the back of his neck, so it may have been from that.  We’ll just watch to make sure they don’t get infected.

Right now, I’m pretty sure I have a sinus infection since I’m on week 4 of a “cold”.  Who has time for urgent care?? 

Yesterday, Brian had some skin stuff taken care off which resulted in some removals.  Afterwards he decided that mowing the lawn would be a good idea and spent the remainder of the night trying to stop the bleeding.  I’m surprised he didn’t pass out, but he is used to giving blood so I guess it didn’t affect him too much.

We are falling apart over here!


Anya’s birthday is on Sunday.  Yes, on Mother’s Day we will be hosting a party and I will be cooking.  As long as Brian does the clean-up it won’t be too bad. 😉  I still have to finish her birthday present and make her a birthday dress, so I will be busy tomorrow.

I hope all the Mother’s out there have a wonderful Mother’s Day!


Due to the above I have been seriously lax in visiting my bloggy friends, so I am very sorry.  I’m hoping to catch back up next week.  Sorry!