Last week we heard some very upsetting news about our friend, Bek. She has a brain tumor. This is not something that should happen to someone in their mid-thirties. Unfortunately, it does and has.
About twenty-some years ago I remember sitting in the hospital while my parents went to visit my aunt Jeanine. We had to wait in the first floor waiting area, while they went up one at a time. You see, young children weren’t allowed up in the ICU. I remember how anxious everyone seemed, and the words “brain tumor” had such an ominous sound. I learned a new word during that time, too… “Benign”. She had tenacity and spirit, and this she survived.
Our hopes and prayers are with you, Bek. We hope and pray that you hear the word, benign, too. We hope and pray that there are no ill effects from the surgeries and the brain swelling. We hope and pray that in a few months this will all be just like a bad dream, and your road to recovery will be swift.
You have the strength for it, we all know you do. We have faith in you and in your inner strength. You, too, have that tenacity.
To quote from the wise and knowledgeable, Dr. Seuss:
Oh, the places you’ll go! There’s fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winningest winner of all.
So, dear girl, remember that you have so much yet to do, and this is just a bad bump in the road. Oh, the places you have yet to go!
For those that know Bek and would like to keep updated on her condition, you can find her Care Bridges page here: Bek’s page
[…] Could you give up a few prayers and happy thoughts today? My friend Bek, is undergoing her last surgery, hopefully. They are replacing the 1/3 of her skull plates that they took out when her brain swelled in February. The surgeon’s said she will be in the hospital for 5 days. That is what they said before, though, and she was in the ICU for a month. […]