Instead of keeping the kids in swimming lessons this summer, we decided to just join a local pool.  I stopped and joined it on a hot and muggy 90 degree day in June.  The last 90 degree we had until this past week.  Needless to say we haven’t used the pool much at all this summer, but it’s finally warm and feeling like pool weather.  Might as well get some use out of that pass!

I took the kids for the first time on Saturday, and it was really nice.  The pool has a sandy bottom and a “shore”, so it’s like being at a lake.  It’s not heated either.  After all the rain the previous few days it was really chilly once you got to the deeper areas.  Of course, once we settled in Anya had to go potty, and it was just me with the kids.  I took the pertinent stuff and we hoofed it to the pool house only to wait at least 10 minutes for Anya to go.  Note to self: make sure they go BEFORE we leave the house next time!

They had a nice time playing in the sand until a thunderclap was heard overhead.  Then they closed the pool for 30 minutes.  At which point we left, just in time to get poured on while getting to the car.  All in all, it was a semi-successful first visit to the pool.


This week was the first week it actually felt like summer instead of spring.  And it’s mid-August.  Today we are off to a family reunion to go see my side of the family.  I love seeing all my cousins that I barely get to see anymore.  It should be fun and I think they will have some fun games for the kids, too.   If all else fails, there is always squirt guns. *must remember to pack squirt guns!*

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Because I can’t post without a picture…

This shot I took for an alphabet book I’m working on.  Q is for Quilt.  The first quilt was made for Kailan by an old neighbor of mine, the second for Anya by one of my grade school friends and the third was made by Brian’s grandma.  She died before I met her, and I have a feeling we would have gotten along well.