A few weeks ago Anya and I went to watch her cousin in a Champ show that she qualified to attend.  It was on a Friday morning, so unforunately Kailan had to go to school.  I pulled Anya out of daycare and off us girls went.

The fairgrounds are on the other side of town, and the first show started around 8 am.  Yeah, rush hour was much fun and new experience for the little one in the backseat.  Apparently it took, “FOREVER“, to get there as I was told repeatedly.

We finally arrived and found my sister in law quickly.  We watched the horses and riders and Anya got to see all the pretty shirts

I never really did much in horse shows when I was younger.  We were busy going to rodeos all the time so we rarely went to them.  Well, whoa golly has stuff gotten expensive over the years!  Just like in everyone’s normal everyday life, there are “upgrades” that you can buy to give you a better chance at winning.  Most of the contestents put “extensions” in their horses tails so they look prettier and fuller.  Wowsers have things changed!

If I ever want to get into making pretty show shirts I bet I could make some good money.  Some of the shirts are pretty pricey.  Anya and I enjoyed seeing the girls all dolled up in their pretty show outfits.  Lots of bling out there in the arena!

It was fun to watch my niece compete, and Anya got to ride Chex to and from the arena and barn.  A highlight of her day for sure!

Getting ready to go into the area – she’s getting her number pinned to her back.


Sara in the arena…this was when Chex was calm and doing a nice job.  That changed.


Anya looking cute


 It was a bit of a rainy day, so when we got back from the show it was couch time.  Mainly mommy took naps in between DVRed cartoons for Anya.  Nothing like napping on the couch and snuggling with your little one while the rain falls.