Being the PC crazy school system that they are, Kailan did not have a Halloween party.  That might upset some parent of some child somewhere, since kids dressing up in fun costumes and eating candy is something to get upset about!  Yeah.  I think I’m okay with that…really, I don’t care if they are upset.  They need to get over it and let little kids have fun.

At least the kids are still at our daycare, and they had a party on Thursday night with different rooms having different games.  It was fun for the kids and they got to dress up and show off their costumes.  Mostly they got candy…that’s what is important dontchaknow.


Then on Saturday we had some quality crafting time.  When I was a little girl I had a book on Halloween crafts.  I remember poring over it each Halloween and wanting to do all the little projects in it.  There were cookies to make, masks, mobiles and all manner of things to have a fun Halloween themed party.  I do believe I made a few of them when I was little, too.

Kailan has been doing the same as I did as a little one.  When he was home sick last week with H1N1, he spent many days looking at the book, showing me the projects and supplies, and asking me if we could please make them.  Since I was trying to work while being at home with him, I gently put him off until Halloween.  This past week I gathered some supplies so we were ready to craft our little tootsies off on Saturday.  He worked his way through the book on Saturday.  We couldn’t do everything, but he did several of the projects.  It was really fun watching him work. 


Later they went out on the neighborhood and gathered all the candy they could.  I realized at 5pm that I had yet to get their treat bags made, so I quick got that done.  I didn’t make them TOO BIG because that would have been silly, right??  They would have been able to put lots of candy in there then. 😉
