She seems to be becoming a teenager before our very eyes.  Once there was a young toddler, full of sweetness.  Nary a naughty, nor haughty, word came to her lips.  Then she discovered these new words that the older girls were saying.  They put a bit of attitude into it, as well.  She watched and copied and saw she achieved reactions from her parents. 

Now we attempt to mold her attitude into something that is less offensive and rude.  She has her moments of innocence, still.  

Last weekend she told me at least 20 times that I was “brilliant’.  You may surmise from that dialogue that she was watching Harry Potter one too many times.  Not so.  It was Dora apparently, and some dragon.  Don’t ask me…I just appreciate the buttering up.  I assume she was free with the compliments due to the fact that I was finally painting her pink room.  She must have felt generous that day.

I am hoping that her attitude was just a passing phase, or that our negative reactions and the consequences have made an impact.  Either way, I’ll take the buttering up and the “I love you’s” and the “You’re the best mommy in the world!”.  

I’ll definitely take that. 🙂
