There are some things that kids do where you just ask yourself, “Why????”.  It was a late night on Saturday due to dinner with friends and I got up early with the little ones, so I was just dead tired yesterday.  I decided to try to take a nap while the kids were awake.  Mistake #1.   I also didn’t close the door to our room.  Mistake #2.  My son, upon seeing that I was not playing with him and just laying around doing nothing, proceeded to bring his bins of toys into our room and dump them all over the floor.  One after the other…he would bring a bin in and dump it out.  Meanwhile his sister was sitting there happily playing with all the toys that her brother just dumped out.  I just ignored him since I was attempting to sleep and yelling at him would just make me more awake and completely ruin my attempt at taking nap.  Finally, his father looked away from his computer game long enough to see what Kai was doing and took both of them out of the room.  Ahhh….sleep!

At least Kai made an attempt to clean it up later…after I asked him.  He is finally getting to that age where he understands our requests for help.  He brings his dish to me in the kitchen when he is done eating, attempts to clean up things (as long as it is a group effort), and brings us beer from the fridge (just kidding on that last one!).  Finally our wish for a little slave is being fulfilled…Yay!!  Now his little sister just has to learn to pull her weight around the house – all those cute little outfits don’t fall off of trees, you know!