With Anya I decided to forgo the large, bulky high chair and just attach a little chair to the table.  I thought this would be easier to clean and less messy.  Little did I know… 

Now instead of being confined in a chair with a large tray she is in a small chair with the table and floor within messing distance.  These are the days that I really, really wish we had a dog.  If we had a dog, I’m fairly certain he/she would have put on about 10 pounds this week alone.  I make great pains to give Anya a variety of finger foods, high in nutrition and nicely soft for her to chew as she only has two teeth.  After feverishly stuffing the first 5 bites in her mouth, she will proceed to drink ½ of her sippy cup of water, then pick up her food, look at me, and drop it over the side of her chair.  

The way she looks at me is as if she is saying “What are you going to do about that, Parent?? I’ve got this gravity thing figured out, now pick it up so I can drop it again. Well…get down there, Woman!”  

Once she gets the predictable reaction out of us (“No, Anya”), she then will proceed to throw a little fit in her little chair.  “How dare you chastise ME…I’m the princess and can do no wrong!”.