[child error] is the excuse of so many mishaps in the house, isn’t it?

In our three season porch we have a “wicker” couch and chair set that we bought at The Home Depot.  It is wicker looking (i.e. a woven plastic of some sort) and the cushions were a nice plain utilitarian beige.  Unfortunately, when we were moving stuff off our deck in preparation for the painting, I had put a old citronella candle on the table next to the couch.  It had been occassionally melted and occassionally rained on with a few leaves in for good measure…and was an absolute mess.  I should have just thrown it out.  Hind sight being 20/20, of course.

Someone small, blonde and cute tipped the candle bucket onto the bottom couch cushion.  Big yucky stain full of citronella goo.  I tried to wash it, to no avail.  The giant waxy stain was not going away.

I discovered this a few days before our big BBQ we were hosting (of course), and I figured it wasn’t something I could hide.  We needed all the chairs we had.  I purchased some $5/yd duck cloth from my go-to fabric shop and recovered that cushion.

Of course having just one cushion redone seemed a bit obvious, so then I proceeded to redo the bottom cushions on the chairs the day before the party.  I need to get a bit more fabric and then I can redo the cushions on the foot rests, too. 

It’s a bit of a wild pattern, so I am going to leave the top cushions beige.  The pillows came with the set and seem to match nicely.

In order to make them, I ripped apart the old cushions and reused the zippers.  Once I had the pieces all apart, I used them as patterns to cut the fabric.  I did it a little different than the original cushions, and didn’t use piping.  I was working on a limited time schedule.  It didn’t take me too long to make them, though.

They are less than perfect in construction, but I’m sure I’m one of the few that will notice the imperfections.  And I’m okay with that. 🙂

I did get the teachers’ gifts done for Kailan’s class on Sunday.  I will get them up soonish.  I’m sure everyone else has had them done already because our kids are so late in getting out of school.  I’m hoping they like them when Kai gives them out on Thursday.