Well we are on week one of school here at our household.  The kids are adjusting well to the new schedule, and we have managed to all get to our designated places on time. 

The requisite first day of school pictures, in which it was so windy I am surprised the kids didn’t take flight when I had them outside for a few pictures.

We made it all of one week before I got a call from Anya’s teacher.  She started off by saying that Anya was such a pleasant girl, she loved to participate in class, sing and was a smart little girl.  You know how they butter you up before they send you crashing to the ground?  Yeah, well the next words were BUT…

Her little friend from daycare and her were at each other quite a bit, so they were being moved to different tables and different spots on the mat.  She didn’t like it if someone got too close to her (personal space issues, I guess), and would get aggressive in getting them away.  If she had something first she wouldn’t give it up (stubborn, much??), and basically it’s her way or the highway

We had told her teacher at the Listening Conference that once Anya got warmed up, she was less than shy and could be bossy.  At least we warned her teacher.  I think she expected Anya’s angelic looks to carry through to her personality!  Not that Anya isn’t sweet and a hoot to hear her tell stories and sing songs she makes up, but if you cross her path she can be a bit of a pill.

We discussed her behavior with her and withheld cartoons and computer games as a punishment.  I think she just needs to figure out her boundaries and that she can’t push them too far or else she gets into trouble.  She’s a smart little cookie.  She’ll get it figured out.