Funny Girl

Funny Girl

There are several reasons why I love this shot.  Anya has come to that stage in toddlerhood where she things she is the most hilarious human that ever graced the Earth.  She cracks jokes where only she, and perhaps her brother, truly understands the hilarity.

The other reason I love this photo is because I was able to save it from where it started:

crappy photo

The above is an example of what happens when you don’t check your camera settings before you start shooting.  Ye be warned!  The settings were: f1.8, 1/100 shutterspeed, ISO 1600 and the white balance was set for cloudy (I think) instead of tungsten lighting.  I had to do some color correction in Photoshop in order to transform it into a saveable picture.  I have tried their auto correct features and that just doesn’t work all that well.  It is best to figure it out on your own, since you truly know the color your child is supposed to be (i.e. not orange). 😀