
Got a little captain in you?

Got a little Captain in you?? πŸ˜€


What happened there??


That’s my name!

Since the theme over at Picture This today is three, I thought I would post a triple threat of my favorite three year old.Β  I just couldn’t help myself.Β  It was hard to pick a favorite of him, so the theme gave me a great excuse to post a bunch!Β  This week has been a week where I feel like I have been in the “zone” photographically.Β  I’ve taken so many pictures that I love…it has been hard to choose which ones to post!

Settings: f5.6, shutterspeed 1/160, ISO 800 for the first two and f3.5, 1/160 shutterspeed, ISO 1600, 18mm lens for the last one.Β  Processing…just the basicsΒ and the last one I had to run noiseware on it.