Wedding Reception
While this was a beautiful reception hall (an old train depot), there was no light. I got there a little early and was taking pictures of the decorations, and realized that this was going to be a hard night. Then once the music started, they turned off those big chandeliers and that meant even less light. If I didn’t have my flash I would have been totally screwed. I am not incredibility happy with the shoot, but I think I have enough pictures of them that they will like.
I have decided that I don’t really like doing weddings/receptions. There is too much snapshotty type of stuff and not enough of what I like to do. I would rather take pictures of little kids (big surprise, huh??)…
The day just went badly from start to finish. Brian was out of town this weekend, so it was just me. That meant I couldn’t sleep in after my long nights of sewing, and there was no one to help referee the kids that were bent on screaming at each other all day long. That made my headache just about unbearable. Then they didn’t take a nap. THEN, upon backing out of the garage, I backed into the baby-sitter’s car. About the time I was done shooting pictures, I started to see spots and was getting tunnel vision…perhaps from not eating anything for dinner and being stressed out. Yeah, the day went splendidly. 😉
Let’s just say that I’m glad this weekend is over…now I just have to go through a few hundred more photos and process them. Ack!
Well what you’ve showed us is beautiful. And you’re brave to do weddings. They are difficult. Great job, though.
I did that one wedding, and that was enough for me. To stressful, too, too stressful. Too much possibility of ruining someone’s memories.
That said, these are lovely. I love the last one.
Wow…that’s not a whole lot of light to work with! But you did an amazing job!
I’m actually thinking about getting into some wedding stuff…hmmm…maybe not! 🙂
INCREDIBLE! That first shot, the way you ‘used’ the lights and the color in the ceiling lights, it just sends me! I love it! I think despite the fact the light was lacking overall… you still pulled off amazing shots! I can’t wait to see more!
You and Brian, backing up into cars… dang that driveway anyway!
Looks like you did a GREAT job, Stacy! WTG!
Thanks for the compliments!
Ah, yeah, Todd, I know. Be warned before you park in our driveway…I think the street is safer! 😉
Maya, think long and hard before you go into wedding photography. It is stressful since you have to remember all the shots you need to take, the day is busy and LONG.
Sounds like it was stressful – but I’m sure they are going to be over the moon with the photos you took, Stacy! Jus the few we go to see are AMAZING! Beautiful work, as always.
Now…go take a breather!
Wow…Stacy, I am continually amazed by what you manage to capture with less-than-optimal surroundings. the lighting may have been poor, but the pictures you shared are gorgeous. Well done. They look like such a classy couple. Were these friends, or were you hired as the photographer?
I don’t think I’d ever want to get into wedding photography either. Too much pressure, too much stress, not my cup of tea. Like you, I prefer the kiddos. :o)
Beautiful photographs, Stacy. The first one is breathtaking. Sorry about the car, been there done that (a few times!)
Thanks ladies! Making me feel good here! 😀
Christina, it was my friend Bekki’s (the lady with the brain tumor) brother. A nice couple and it was a beautiful reception…very classy. I think if they would have hired me to do this 6 months ago, I would not have been able to do a decent job. It was really challenging, my settings were all over the board, because depending on how far away the people stood from me, the lighting was different…or if they stood by one of the few lights in the place. Then if it was too dark, my camera had a hard time focusing. If I ever do this again (not that I plan on it) I will need a longer lens. My 55mm was not cutting it at all!
Good to try it out, though, yes? I think you got some lovely shots and they will be very happy.
Sounds like a tough weekend, hope the week is better! Hard to be alone with them and outnumbered, I know what that is like! 🙂
I hope Brian is back in town. 🙂
The reception photos are gorgeous. I have a feeling the shots you think aren’t very good are excellent by most standards. I also know of your processing skills. They’ll be lovely.