The face of addiction
There was a time when I didn’t want my kids to watch any tv or play games on the computer. Then reality struck, and actually having the ability to get things done while they are otherwise occupied has changed my tune.
However, our boy is truly and surely addicted to watching tv and playing games on the computer. ADDICTED. Just the fact that he can play games on the computer at not quite 4 years old just blows me away. He loves, loves, LOVES I don’t mind it much, since the games are about teaching them their letters and words. Anything that helps him learn his letters is a plus to me, especially if it grabs his attention. The puzzles and books that we have for teaching him don’t seem to be quite as exciting. At least Anya like them!
His current infatuation with a tv show is Super Why, which actually does a good job with trying to teach them things and keeps them engaged. The other shows on PBS Kids are just okay, though. Don’t even get me started with Cartoon Network. It makes the Road Runner killing Wiley Coyote all the time look quite tame.
I’m sure based on all the studies we are creating an ADD kid. I guess we will reap what we sow. We have been making sure that he just does imaginative play with his toys, and on days when all he wants to do is watch tv we make him go outside and play. He doesn’t like it…but we make him! Oh, we are just sooo cruel. At least he thinks so…
Soon we will have to start in with the stories, “When we grew up, your mom only had a black and white tv that barely got two channels….and you dad didn’t even HAVE A TV. Yet, somehow, we survived.” Amazing, isn’t it?
Natalya is really into Kidpix. It’s really a great program. But so far that’s their only fascination with the computre. TV is another story. I feel like they are well balanced though.
OMGosh!! Harrison LOVES Super Why! He runs around all day playing “Super Readers – to the rescue!” I’m with you on all counts, unfortunately though, this week Harrison and I have each been sick and it’s easier to give in and let him watch something on TV. We also watch the kids club on In Demand – he loves the shows about trucks and trains. He’s only 2 1/2 so not on the computer much, yet; but we have gone to the Super Why website a couple time and played games. It’s only a matter of time since big brother, daddy and I spend so much time at computers!!
Plus, I hate these days when we can’t go out side due to illness!
Oooh, a new header and blog design! Me likey!
I made the same promise, that my kid would not watch tv or play on the computer all day. And so far I’ve held to that…but not by choice, LOL! My kid simply has no interest in it. If she would sit down and watch a show, you can bet I’d take advantage of it! Im sure the day is coming when I’ll she wants to do is stare at the television all day.
There are some days when I really don’t mind that he loves the tv and computer…like last weekend. I had a raging headache and was glad that at least one of them didn’t need my attention!
Thanks Christina on the new design. Still not perfect…it doesn’t let me do certain things. *sigh* Guess I will have to look some more for the next almost perfect one.
Look at his face…entranced. Yeah, I’m know as the electronics cop around our house. But once my guys get outside, they’re as happy as can be and forget they were angry that I said no to tv, computer or Playstation and Nintendo