It was a lovely end to the baseball season.  The season that was cold, rainy, windy and a few days where it was so hot that the heat index was above 100 degrees.

At least we had one nice day during the season!  I kid, I kid (well kinda). 😉

A few weeks ago with a storm coming up on us – we got done just in time! (camera phone pix)

Let’s just say, I was ready to be done.  I know that Kailan has enjoyed it though, which is the point.  When they were all done the coach gave the kids trophies and a ball from the season.  When he gave each kid their ball he told them what they did well during the season.  When he gave Kailan his ball, he told him that he was one of the power hitters and did well whenever he went up to bat.  He was stoked to hear that.

Anya is getting better at catching, too, since that is what she does at baseball while Kailan plays.  We got her a glove and a pink ball, to that end.  She also does somersaults and cartwheels.  Oh, if only I had her energy!

Apparently the warm temperatures sucked all her energy out of her that last night…

Here’s to the end of another baseball season and a saner schedule during the week!