I have heard that it is better for children to build up an immunity from catching illnesses in daycare, as opposed to missing their entire first year of kindergarten. Honestly though, I think our little bug-catchers need to slow down a bit on just how many viruses they detain in their little bodies in a given period of time. They seem to be going into overdrive. They have had more than their fair share of maladies this winter/spring/summer. Enough is enough.
Anya and Kai have had this “virus” since Memorial Day weekend. Who knew a virus could withstand 90 degree heat, but alas our children had been well for a few weeks so they obviously needed to get another infliction of some sort. After hearing that a child in Anya’s room had croup, I took them in yesterday. The very young doctor checked them over and determined that since they weren’t barking like seals and didn’t have a temperature, they didn’t have croup. He said that they probably had the *unpronounceable and unmemorable* virus that usually lasts 7-14 days. Apparently math is not something they teach in medical school since it has been 16 days since it infected our little Anya. It definitely doesn’t look like the end is near, either.
The young doctor said to bring them in next week if it hasn’t gotten any better since it may be a sinus infection. I expect to be bringing them in next week, since the green goo that has been secreting from their nostrils sure looks like a sinus infection to this mother. Could it really get any grosser?
No wonder princess is so darn tired:
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