#1 – I have discovered Pinterest.  It’s like crack cocaine to a visual person like I am, so…sorry Internet, I have been neglecting the rest of you.  Be back soon…

#2 – Summer is winding down, so we are attempting to fit everything in.  Basically that means we are attempting to eat dinner out on our deck more.  Along with a bottle of wine.    Al fresco…we love you!  When it isn’t really humid and blazing hot, that is.

#3 – The kids are busy little beavers at their YMCA Camp.  At the beginning of the summer Anya declared that she would rather stay home.  She would have been bored.  Instead she’s gone swimming at least twice a week, went to several museums, libraries, parks, a professional baseball game on the hottest day of the summer and a visit to a circus training camp.  Seriously, we would not have done even an 1/8 of the fun stuff they have done with the kids.  Mostly because we would not have had any money if Mommy or Daddy were home with them for the summer.  We would not have had a job for that to happen.

#4 – We went to the beach again.  See #2.  This is visit #4 to the beach.  Had I bought an annual pass it would have cost me $10, instead of the $5 per visit we have paid.  Obviously, we will buy the annual pass next year.

#5 – The next few weekends will be the annual family reunion for my Dad’s side of the family and then the annual town festival for Brian’s hometown.  Should be fun!

#6 – I continue to attempt to work out every day.  Still…no weight has been lost, but tone is being achieved.  Slowly.  Brian is now thinking about exercising, as his 20th class reunion is in October.  Should be fun!

#7 – The kids start school in a few weeks.  That means I will have a week of “vacation” in a few weeks sewing up their Fall/Winter wardrobes.  You may just see some sewing within a month.