After thinking long and hard about what I wanted to do for the Christmas card this year, I finally figured out what I wanted to do.  This, of course, meant I needed some articles of clothing to bring my vision to fruition.

This was a dress that I hadn’t worn in a few years.  I could have just donated it, but I really liked the embroidery on the skirt.  I turned it into a long skirt for Anya.

Then she needed a pretty vest to wear with it.  Bring on the faux fur!  And the vacuum!

Unfortunately, I made it too small with all the bulk of the fur and the fleece.  She really likes it though, so I will have to make another one for her.

This shirt was made with a one-off run from the fabric mill that I buy my fabric at, and it was just probably a fat quarter in size, if that.  She had liked* gold, so I figured I could find a complementary fabric for the rest of it.  I used the rest of the cream shirred fabric for it.

*Black is her new favorite color now.  I really don’t have hardly anything black in my fabric closet, either.

Here is a modeled picture.  This isn’t the one I’m using for the Christmas card, so I am sharing it since she looks so cute.

Now I need to get the cards from the printer and send them out!