Our girl loves a good book.  She will sit in the library and read books or give us books to read to her.  Her brother is less than enamoured with the literary finds at his disposal.  The only time they interest him in the least is when he sits in bed at night perusing books as a delaying tactic to falling asleep.

books 1 


Reading in the library on a big cushy leather chair…doesn’t get much better!

books 2 

Anya, on the other hand, will sit there and read – actually choosing a book over a cartoon.  We hope we are able to instill our love of books in our children.  Kai is a work in process, but Anya seems to have become our little book worm.

What sort of bookishness do you have in store for today?


* The book pictures were pretty much SOOC…no Photoshop (f2, SS 30, ISO 1600).  I *heart* my 85mm.