I am grateful for our little family.  Brian is reading the kids Rangers Apprentice.

We are grateful that our little kids get along.  Not always…but they do get along pretty well for being so close in age.  This was taken one night this week after dinner when they were watching Scooby Doo.


I am also grateful that I don’t feel the need to get down on myself for missing several days of my self-imposed assignment.  It was a busy week.  A few other non-picture related things I am grateful for this week:

  • We didn’t get in an accident today going to or from my cousins house.  The drive back home was replete with a bit of freezing rain, but the temp stayed warm enough that no black ice had formed by the time we got home.  Whew!  I hate driving in that stuff, but we got home safe and sound.
  • I am grateful for good friendships.  We had a party at one of our good friends’ house on Saturday night, while the kids stayed home with their favorite sitter.  It was fun for all.
  • I am grateful that we have had a pretty mild winter until this past week.  It finally got below zero, but not getting these temps until the endish of January it pretty fantastic.

Now hopefully this week will be better with me remembering to take pictures. 🙂