I found these two recipes on Pinterest. They are yummy, so I would suggest making them..
Lemon chicken (I used boneless, skinless chicken breasts, though)
Gnocci mac & cheese (I didn’t make it exactly the same, but that recipe sounds pretty good, too)
I them served with balsamic brussel sprouts, too. Super easy. Just put the brussel sprouts in a large flat pan with about 1/2 inch of water and bring to a boil. Boil the water down and then add a good splash of balsamic vinegar over them, plus salt and pepper. Turn on high and get it a bit carmelized with a little crunchy on the outside, stirring pretty constantly. You don’t want it to burn. Then they are done!
I added the lemon chicken to my menu plan for this week. Thanks!! The gnocchi mac and cheese looks amazing, but we are trying to stay away from dairy. Boo!!
It looks amazing, but no matter how much I lick the screen it still tastes kinda!!!!! Well like a computer screen….. 🙂 *snort*