About a year or so ago, Brian broke our hand-held mixer.  Being the baker in the family he researched and decided to get a nice quality mixer.  Being a man, he didn’t care that it was gray.

See…lovely Kitchen-Aid mixer, that was about $100 cheaper because it was gray (i.e. not pretty like the rest of them that you can buy).

While I would have preferred one of the pretty mixers, we don’t use it all that often to justify the increased price.  I’d love to buy the pasta making attachments, though.  THAT I would use.  I love me some pasta. 🙂

Now, it usually rests in our pantry anyways, but I saw this on Pinterest.  Fantastic!  A way to make our mixer pretty!

I found some vinyl on Amazon and finally sat on the couch to draw something up and cut it out.  It was pretty simple to do, too.  I bet if you had one of those fancy Silhouette machines you could do this without too much difficulty (another thing I would love to have!). 

Here is our primped up mixer with the colors of our kitchen:

That was the extent of craftiness that I got done this weekend.  I did get some stuff in the freezer due to some meat sales, though.  I put drumsticks in packages with marinade for summer grilling, and boiled up two packages of whole chicken parts to store in the freezer for making things like quesedillas or buffalo chicken dip (yummmm).  I also froze up the broth from that, and then I made a big pot of my pasta sauce with meat.

Not a lot of craftiness, but a whole lot of domesticity!