Anya’s upcoming 1st Grade Performance is apparently going to be “How does your garden grow”.  I think this would be a great dress for her to wear to it, with all the spring colors and flowers.  She told me she prefers the black and white dress I made earlier, though.  We shall see…

Just in case no one tells you…sewing with satin is a bit of a pain.  It moves while cutting, it moves while sewing and it frays.  Use lots and lots of pins, and a sewing needle for satins.  Make sure to finish the edges in some way, as well (french seams, serge, etc.).

This is just a basic lined dress.  I cut the skirt out, then cut out the top and then realized it might be a little short on her.  I added the cream satin in the middle to add some length.

I hemmed it using the bias binding method.  It gives a bit of form to the hem, in addition to not taking up a lot of fabric in the hemming process.

It has a zipper on the back.  Ideally, I would have had a longer zipper in here.  That would have meant going back to the fabric store for a zipper, and you know what happened last time. 😉

This is how it looks on the inside.  I lined the bodice with some cotton to give it sturdiness.

Then here it is on the outside.  A pretty satin dress!