I’ve been a bit tired lately, and my hair has just been one more thing that has seemed to weigh me down.  It feels like it is time for a change.  I’ve had long hair for quite awhile, even after the last big cut.  It was two years ago that I cut off 12 inches for Locks of Love.  I was surprised at how much I liked my shorter hair last time.  I had identified myself for so long with my exceedingly long and healthy hair.  It was so nice to get compliments on it by strangers out of the blue.  That sort of thing gives you a nice emotional lift in your day.

It was nice to have a bit of change, though, so I’m ready for that again.  It was at a decent length, but not long enough to lose a whole foot of hair.  This time I am donating to Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths program.  They will take minimum lengths of 8 inches, so that works for me.  This is a program for women with cancer and uses the hair for free wigs.  After seeing how hard it was on my friend when she lost her hair during breast cancer treatment, I know this is such a worthy cause. 

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, so the timing works perfectly!  Remember to feel your boobies, ladies!

I loved my long hair, but I’m just ready to make a change.  It has been long for 10+ years and at times it is a hard to take care of it.  It wasn’t so bad when my hair was stick straight, but it started to get a wave in it around the time I turned 30.  It gets snarly so easy now, whereas it wasn’t like that before.  Additionally, in our (cold) winters I don’t have time to blow dry it (20-30 minutes), so I often go outside with wet hair.  Not fun.  I like the bit of wavy curl I have now, and the longer it gets the less wave I have from the weight of the hair. 

I know I will grow out long again.  That’s the good thing about hair…it will always grow back!

new cut

