This week I am grateful for…gratitude.

Despite taking far too long in fixing a shirt for my co-worker’s daughter, they were excessively thankful for it.  I have done several little things for her over the years, as her daughter is in dance with all the costume adjustments that come with that activity.  It never takes long, so I never ask for anything, except for one time when it was several costumes I needed to fix to fit her.

This time was a relatively simple fix of replacing a halter tie on a halter top that her dad got her in Mexico (Mom and Dad are divorced, so my co-worker was doing her ex a favor in asking me).  It took maybe half an hour, since I had to braid some uncooperative and tangly yarn for the tie.  She loved it, and made me this card:

Her mom and dad were also thankful and they each got me a gift card to my favorite coffee place!  I think the sum of the coffee cards likely exceeded the cost of the shirt!  It is so very nice to be appreciated. 🙂

Grateful for funny kids…his mask is a replica from a monkey game.  He plays a monkey quite well!

Then some days I am just grateful for the simpler things in life…

The rest of the week was dragged down by finding out that Brian’s Aunt Vi passed away.  They are in Colorado, so due to our work schedules we are unable to make the funeral.  She was such a lovely lady, and we very much enjoyed visiting them when we went out to see them before Kai was born.

Other happenings this week:

– The driveway is SLLLOOOWWWWWLLLYYYY being replaced.  Needless to say this is another contractor that won’t be used again.  He may do a good job at putting it in, but it doesn’t make up for the awful communication and the lack of time management.  I will have some before and after pictures at some point this week.

– The kids both had playdates this weekend.  Anya’s was split, as we had the girls first and then the other mom took them over to the neighborhood pool.  That worked pretty well on a hot weekend!  Then Kai’s friend came over and they just wanted to play electronics the whole time.  That is not a playdate in my book.  Plus the boy has some personality quirks that rub me the wrong way, so I am not sure I will be trying to set up another one with him any time soon.

Well, this week is going to be a hot one…stay cool everyone!