Just in time for the 4th I got these outfits completed.  I only had the fabric since about March.  This year I am the queen of squeaking by.  Wait…maybe not.  I’ve been woefully behind on birthday presents/cards, my scrapbooking is seriously getting behind and I can’t seem to find time to work out.  Which, my friends, I really, really, really need to do.  I’m a bit over-committed right now. 

Did I mention that I’m on a bocce ball league this summer?  Every Wednesday night I play bocce ball, drink a beer (or two!) and then go out with the girls afterwards.  Even though it is fun and relaxing, I’m losing a night of productivity during the week.  I think I need to chill out a bit, because I shouldn’t be feeling guilty about taking a night for momma.

On to the sewing!

For both the kids’ outfits I purchased plain white shirts and just modified them.  You can buy them fairly cheap, so it isn’t worth it to take the time to make them myself.

Anya’s outfit is a double layered skirt with a drop waist.  Very twirly.  No pattern – I just used some measurements.  The print has all sorts of patriotic happenings on it, so although not red, white and blue it is relevant to the holiday.  The top I appliqued one of the scenes on it.

 skirt set

Kai’s outfit is a pair of shorts and top with an applique of the fabric on it.  The shorts I used a commercial pattern for the basic pieces, and added pockets to each side in a denim lined with the print.  Then I hemmed with enough room for a channel to put cording through.  I added the white cording I had in my stash of supplies to make them more fun.

 shorts set

This week I have to finish up the dressy horse show shirt for my sister and make a baby blanket for one of the daycare ladies that is about to go on maternity leave.  She’s had both our kids in her class and I really want to make something for her for that at any rate.  Poor lady has been sick her whole pregnancy and they may take the baby early because she just isn’t gaining weight like she should.  I’m down to the wire on that present.  Maybe I can actually get it to her before her child is 3 months old, hmmmm??